What is the best promotion or marketing campaign you ever ran as a massage therapist? (Ask the Muscle Whisperer Series)

What is the best promotion or marketing campaign you ever ran as a massage therapist? (Ask the Muscle Whisperer Series)

We are really excited to share with you the next instalment of our "Ask The Muscle Whisperer" series. This month we have asked the industry's top leaders what is the best promotion or marketing campaign you ever ran as a massage therapist? And looking forward to the next 6 months, what marketing strategies would you recommend for massage therapists to secure more clients?

You can watch the full video with all the specialist's answers compiled together HERE.... or watch each specialist's answer individually in shorter snippets below underneath their name! 

    Susan Findlay Icon for Ask The Muscle Whisperer

    What is the best promotion or marketing campaign you ever ran as a massage therapist? Looking forward to the next 6 months, what marketing strategies would you recommend for massage therapists to secure more clients?

    I had to think about his question for a bit because nothing comes to mind as a stand out promotion, I did write a couple of blogs that went viral but their purpose was not to sell a specific product or course but simply to inform.  My customers and the people who follow me want a relationship, they’re interested in what I have to say and I freely put the information out there in the form of a blog along with my Massage Monday videos.  I usually try to keep the overt sales part of things toned down, I prefer creating conversations.  

    There is so much ‘look at me’ selling that I think people just turn off when it comes across their feed, I often think the best form of selling is information based. What can you give that would be of benefit to those you want to have a conversation with?  For example, maybe you want to attract more diabetic clients because you have become the expert on diabetes. This is something you are interested in, you’ve done a lot of research and you have the knowledge and you know you have a lot to offer but you’re still not getting the clients. Why is this?  It might be because not enough people know about you, maybe your campaigns are too general or you’re just trying too hard.  What I mean by ‘trying too hard’ is that you might be trying to attract people just to buy rather than constructing a reputation as an informative expert. 

    Good marketing is about building relationships, (similar to the Massage Warehouse approach) people need to get to know you and understand what you’re about.  In our business, success often comes from the verbal interactions we have with our clients and as I have said in previous articles, a large proportion of our clients’ perception about the effectiveness of the treatment we give comes from what we say.

    So, rather than doing a single promotion it is more important to build relationships, I would recommend sending out informative newsletters, joining forums and being a positive influence. Try writing articles for local papers, offering free webinars, doing a local radio talk show or volunteering your time in your specific area of expertise. I’m sure you can think of more ideas. Think about who you want to talk to and how to contact them effectively. 

    Watch Susan answer your "Ask the Muscle Whisperer" Question below!

    To find out more about Susan's courses and sign up for her great Massage Monday series click on the image below or follow her on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram

    Susan Findlay logo

    Susan Findlay 
    Emma Gilmore 
    Earle Abrahamson 
    Sunita Passi
    Emma Gilmore profile for Ask The Muscle Whisperer

    For Emma the key to marketing your services as a massage therapist is to find your authentic voice! Emma regularly recommends to her students at the School of Bodywork to take time to think about what genuine skill set you offer to your clients. Thinking about what injuries you like to work with will really help you to pick a niche and hone your marketing to target the perfect clients for you. After all when we find the right clients they tend to stick! Having loyal clients that we can treat for years or decades really is the hallmark of success for any massage therapy business! 

    Asking clients to share endorsements is another marketing tool that Emma recommends, as its important for potential clients to hear others experiences directly from them rather than it feeling it has been edited by you as the business owner. Sharing mini case studies online is another fantastic way to get across your knowledge, passion and skills and will demonstrate why you are worth the cost of your treatments! Finding a niche is really crucial to your massage therapy business and Emma really recommends brainstorming with other massage therapists or asking for supervision from a trusted mentor when you are searching for your own. Don't be afraid to ask for help, as picking what you are most passionate about will really help you to be able to market your massage therapy business enthusiastically with your authentic voice! 

    Watch Emma answer your "Ask the Muscle Whisperer" Question below!

    You can see the latest courses on offer at School of Bodywork by clicking the image below! You can also follow on Facebook and Instagram.

    School of Bodywork logo

    Susan Findlay 
    Emma Gilmore 
    Earle Abrahamson 
    Sunita Passi
    Earle Abrahamson profile for Ask The Muscle Whisperer
    For Earle this question made him reflect on his time as a student and the marketing he undertook when establishing himself as a massage therapist. Whilst on the whole it isn't a great idea to give away free massage treatments, for Earle sometimes when networking, giving prospective clients a sample of your massage therapy skills is a better way to advertise yourself than, for example, handing out a brochure. 


    Networking is key and at the beginning you will have to work really hard to attract massage clients. Writing blogs, giving talks and teaching about the benefits of massage therapy is a great way to spread the word about your services. Once you get your first paying massage clients you can start to ask for referrals and for testimonies of how your treatments have benefitted peoples health. Getting these published online, on your blog and website and on social media is a fantastic way to encourage potential clients to get in touch. Don't be afraid to share your experiences online, let clients know what working at certain events or with certain case studies taught you and what skills you used or developed. If you don't share they won't know the depth of your knowledge and expertise! 

    Watch Earle answer your "Ask the Muscle Whisperer" Question below! 

    You can find more details on Earle's latest book 'Muscle Testing – A Concise Manual' by clicking the images below or find out more details on the next Hands On Training courses by clicking here.



      • Making Sense of Human Anatomy and Physiology - Lotus Publishers 2016


        • Concise Manual of Muscle Testing - Handspring Publishers. Due out October 2019 
      Susan Findlay 
      Emma Gilmore 
      Earle Abrahamson 
      Sunita Passi
      Sunita Passi

      For our latest Muscle Whisperer Sunita sharing valuable information is a key way to promote your massage therapy services! Whether it's direct to clients, in a newsletter or on social media, this information needs to be different to your pitch or posts you use to sell your massage treatments. The aim should be to excite and interest your clients and can include ideas like self massage techniques, tips for relieving stress or mindfulness exercises. Sunita also recommends keeping in touch regularly with clients through a newsletter where short and sharp content and a creative approach can help you connect and keep you at the forefront of their minds! Sunita stresses that the most important thing you can do for your massage therapy business is to establish yourself as an expert in a particular area. You can read more on why this is so important in our blog post on niches for massage therapists here. For Sunita selecting a niche allows you to craft your own professional story which in turn can take your personal brand from strength to strength! 

      Watch Sunita answer your "Ask the Muscle Whisperer" Question below! 

      To check out all Tri-Dosha has to offer, including Sunita's newsletter, give them a follow on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

      Tri-Dosha logo

      Susan Findlay 
      Emma Gilmore 
      Earle Abrahamson 
      Sunita Passi

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