Right Choice, First Time Massage Table Guarantee

Right Choice, First Time Massage Table Guarantee

Choosing a massage table should be like choosing a pair of shoes... The fit MUST be right!

At Massage Warehouse we are all trained therapists. We have the largest range of massage tables anywhere in Europe and we know which type of massage table will suiRight Choice Massage Table Guaranteet you best.

That's why we want to make sure you get the right table first time, guaranteed.

If you take our advice on which portable massage table is for you, and then don't like the table we recommend, we will collect it free of charge and you can choose another table instead - which we will also deliver free of charge.

Here's how it works:

  1. Read the guide How To Choose A Massage Table and the decision tree diagram.
  2. To use this offer, you must get our personalised advice via telephone (01443 806590), email (customersupport@massagewarehouse.co.uk) or live chat on the site. 
  3. Keep all the packaging when your table arrives. Take note of how it is packed when you open it in case you need to repack it ( a photo with your phone helps!).
  4. We are confident that you will have the perfect massage table, but if you don't, simply email or call us to switch to another table.

The guarantee only applies to the exchange of unused portable massage tables. We collect the first table and deliver the replacement at no cost to you.