You know you are a massage therapist when...

You know you are a massage therapist when...

In every career there are those little idiosyncrasies that bring a smile to those in the know! 


As massage therapists, we have one of those jobs that just seems to have lots of funny momentsand I bet as you go through your day there are loads of points where something happens that makes you smile that only another therapist would understand! As many of us work alone, we don't get to enjoy that camaraderie of having a team of colleagues. So we rounded up some of our favourite you know you are a massage therapist when moments to bring a smile to our great community! 

So here we go! 


You know you are a massage therapist when... 


1. Hugs turn into work! 


Facebook post from Abigail Glover about hugging people and palpating their back



 2. Scheduling a manicure is a mission! 



Facebook post from Colleen Melody Robinson about manicures when you are a massage therapist



 3. Even your dinner gets a massage! 



Facebook post from Diana Harshman about massaging a raw chicken



 4. You're on autopilot at the sink! 



Facebook post from Diane Aurrichio about washing your hands to your elbows when you are massage therapist



 5. You're protective of those hands! 



Facebook post from Pattiann LaVeglia about shaking hands as a massage therapist



6. You're always wondering how many massages is that? 🤔



Facebook post from Katie Harding Smogoleski about moments you realise you are a massage therapist


7. You have big plans for Friday! 🤣



Facebook post from Edward Louis about friday nights as a massage therapist


8. You're always assessing!  



Facebook post from Hope DeVall about meeting people when you are a massage therapist



9. You're prone to early morning fails! 😂



Facebook post from Luna Suarez Lmt about mornings as a massage therapist



10. You can tick off most of these! 



Facebook post from Chris Beck about the funny moments you realise you are a massage therapist

Can you beat these? What 'you know you are a massage therapist when' moments have you experienced? Let us know in our Facebook thread

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