Twelve Ways For Massage Therapists To Come Out Of The Coronavirus Pandemic Stronger Than Ever

Hands massaging a young female's shoulders with 12 ways to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic stronger than ever!
So these are some pretty unprecedented times we are living through!                                                        
As massage therapists we have all had to adjust to the reality that our livelihoods have been turned upside down, for the next few weeks at the very least.                                     
But rather than focusing on the negative we have been working hard to collect all the useful tips we could find, to show that as massage therapists we can use this time wisely so that their clinics or mobile massage businesses can come out stronger, in ways we couldn't have foreseen, once the current coronavirus (COVID-19) situation passes!                                                                                                           
We will be updating this post regularly so please keep checking in!                                                                                                                                                          

1. Ask clients to postpone 

As many of you have been doing the best thing you can do first is to call all your existing massage appointments to check in on them and ask them to postpone.

Let them know you are planning to keep in touch to make sure they are ok and offer any advice to soothe any aches or pains they are experiencing. Ask them if you can schedule in their next massage for two month's time, you can mention this would really help you as a small business or if you are feeling particularly positive you can tell clients that you want to book them in to ensure them a space before the regulations are lifted and you have multiple clients looking for appointments before Christmas and the New Year! 

Stay optimistic but do mention that they can of course keep in contact and make any changes as needed down the line. 

2. Ask clients to purchase Gift Certificates 

Many massage therapists, artists and other self employed workers have been asking their clients to purchase gift certificates as a way of securing some income during the uncertainty of the coronavirus outbreak. 


Facebook post from Kim Perry about asking clients for support with gift certificates


As times are tough for everybody gift certificates are a great way for clients to support you whilst keeping value for themselves. In the example above Kim asked clients, if they were in a position to do so, to pay half of their regular treatments upfront which she would keep on record and then they would pay the other half once things return to normal. She outlined that this was to help her through this difficult time and pay for life's necessities right now. Great job Kim! 

With Christmas coming up gift vouchers are a great present idea, especially for those who want to support small businesses during Covid-19 and gift and experience rather than more things to clutter up loved ones homes! Going the extra mile to create really beautiful gift cards like the example below will really help to persuade clients that this is a really special and thoughtful gift. 

Example of excellent gift cards from another massage therapist

Click on the image above to see how Sootheababy Massage promote their stunning gift cards!

As a small token of thanks for their support right now you could even offer clients who purchase gift certificates an inexpensive extra or a small discount as incentive such as;

  • 15 minutes quiet time with relaxing music. 
  • 5% off usual treatment cost with one gift voucher or 10% off the usual treatment cost if they purchase two. 

3. Tailor made exercises 

A fantastic way you can continue to demonstrate your value to clients is to provide them with a personalised exercise plan. Many therapists have been sharing their experiences with consultations over zoom and skype in our Facebook group but another great, and time saving option, is to take advantage of a free trial with the amazing software from Rehab My Patient.

This platform allows massage therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, and chiropractors to create professional looking tailor made exercise plans for their clients using an impressive bank of high resolution ready to go photos and video, as well as giving therapists the ability to host secure video consultations to help guide clients through exercises, check in on their progress and provide feedback.  


Screenshot from Rehab My Patient


With the restrictions in place due to coronavirus this software can be a HUGE game changer for therapists! Being able to create professional looking exercise plans, with the bonus of high quality video content, will allow you to demonstrate to your clients the level of your knowledge, the depth of your care for them and the ongoing work we are always doing. 

Whichever platform you choose staying in touch with your clients should be priority number 1! They will be needing treatments after this stressful period and checking in and demonstrating your knowledge is the best way to keep their loyalty. 


4. Set up future offers 

Another great way massage therapists can use this time to develop their businesses is to start planning your future offers. Why not challenge yourself to really get ahead and see what you could create around the following;  

  • Christmas 
  • New Year
  • January and New Year resolutions 
  • Valentines Day 2021 
  • Mothers Day 2021 
  • Fathers Day 2021 

Crafting some really thoughtful packages or offers and paring them with some eye catching designs created in Canva is a positive and productive way you can be preparing for the future and hey just think of all the time you will have saved that can be spent on networking when the coronavirus quarantine is lifted! 


Valentines Day template for offer for massage therapy businesses


5. Social Media Posts 

As well as some kick ass attention grabbing posts for your newly crafted offers, massage therapists can also use this time to find their voice and create a whole range of social media posts. 


  • Share your anatomy knowledge and tips to aid common conditions with some high quality images 
  • Turn any written reviews into beautiful posts 
  • Share some quotes which inspire you and explain why they reflect something about your massage therapy business
  • Introduce your equipment - do you use hot stones, any tools or a massage chair when visiting offices etc. Explain to your clients why you selected your equipment and what benefits they will feel.                                                           

Now might also be the perfect time to tackle scheduling your posts using software such as MeetEdgar or Hootsuite. Adding your posts into a library and setting up a schedule can free you up later on as your social media can be automated. Many massage therapists saw their books fill up quickly once lockdowns lifted and with the extra time now needed for consultations, pre appointment check ins and cleaning between massage treatments, why not use this time to get ahead with your marketing so that when you are busier later down the line you don't lose momentum in terms of looking for new clients and connecting to your existing network.               

The reason this is so important is that if you have a stop / start approach to your marketing you can end up with a schedule that is crazy one week and empty the next. A simple scheduling trick can also help combat this which you can learn more about here.

Never forget that everything you share is helping to raise the profile of our industry and now more than ever we need to be sharing the benefits of therapeutic touch! We have the public's awareness of this topic now more than ever so let's get sharing all the information we can to elevate our industry and demonstrate our hard won knowledge and skill! Below are some great articles you can use to start the conversation on your social media! 

Massage Therapy for Anxiety

Massage Therapy for Headaches

Does Massage Work?

What Are the Benefits of Hugging?

6. Get filming some video content 

Video content is king and now is a fantastic time to be getting ahead and creating some killer content for your website and social media channels. 

During this time you could create; 


  1. A video walking through hygiene practices- when the current restrictions due to COVID-19 are lifted some clients will be desperate to come in for a treatment but others may be anxious to return. Sharing a video where you demonstrate your usual hygiene routines, at the start of the day, between clients and at the end of the day, and asking clients to support you in your efforts by rebooking if they feel unwell will help to put worrying minds at ease                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  2. Video introducing yourself, your services and your motivations for being a therapist- clients choose you as their therapist because they like your energy and trust in your knowledge. Film a short introduction video that you can put on your website and social media as a welcome to help any referrals get a feel for you and your massage therapy business before their first appointment.  

  3. Videos offering exercises for common ailments - make a list of the common complaints you see from your clients and research the best exercises for them. A short clip demonstrating the exercise and your anatomy knowledge that backs it up is sure to impress!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Neck Exercise for Stiff Neck           Click on the image to see this great example from rehabfix!

  4. Video introducing your space and what clients can expect - if you are able to access your treatment space at this time creating a short video to welcome your clients would be a great use of time! Letting them know what they can expect, walking them through their appointment and your treatment room, will demonstrate your professionalism and answer many questions for any nervous first timers! 


Video from fourseasontherapies introducing her treatment room  

Click on the image to see this great example from Four Season Therapies! 


Don't forget now is also a fantastic time to ask clients for referrals. With people self isolating they potentially have time on their hands and are likely more than happy to help out small businesses in these difficult times. Writing a short social media post asking if clients can spare a couple of minutes to send a short clip telling people how you aided them could really pay off with great reviews to act as testimonials on your website and as social media content for your massage therapy business too! 


7. Study 

Now more than ever might be a great time to tackle that CPD you have been putting off. From business basics, to marketing strategies to swotting up on anatomy, there are plenty of online courses available for free that can help you develop skills that can help you take your massage therapy business to the next level once this current crisis has passed.   

Lots of education providers are generously offering courses for free, including Ivy league colleges and the Open University. Many will also provide a certificate of participation so you can leave this period with tangible proof of your new skills and the commitment you made to your development during these difficult times. 

Here are 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free

All our free courses - OpenLearn from the Open University 

How Massage Therapy Students Can Continue to Learn From Home

Free business and healthcare courses from Vision2Learn

Each month we share a Q&A with industry leaders called Ask The Muscle Whisperer. You can check out previous editions on our YouTube Channel or sign up to get these insights straight to your inbox here! 

Each fortnight we also share thoughtful tips for therapists from award winning mobile massage therapist Kate Browne! So far Kate has covered self care tips for weary necks and shoulders, techniques for mobilising the ITB and side lying effleurage and much more! You can check out some of the previous episodes below and if you like what you see don't forget to subscribe! 

8. Swot up on your Soap Notes 

We all know soap notes are crucial to your massage therapy business but we don't often get much time to really sit with them and analyse what is going on for our clients. Often we might only get the short slot at the start or the end of a massage treatment to suggest ways we can help our clients outside of our interactions with them. 


Take this time to check that all your clients notes are up to date. Are there any additional snippets of information you recall now that maybe you didn't get chance to note down at the time? Looking back is there some additional research you could do into your client's conditions so that you can demonstrate your value to them now? 

We recently heard that some massage therapists use timeless treatments as a way to build loyalty with clients who might benefit from extra treatment. We wrote a blog post looking at the pros and cons of this technique and now could be a great time to see if this could be a good fit for your massage therapy business. Click on the image below to check out the post and whilst looking through your soap notes keep in mind anyone you think could possibly benefit from longer treatment! 

Are timeless treatments the way to go for your massage therapy business?

*Click on the image above to check out the full post*

9. Get ahead with taxes and other business admin 

Do you have a stack of admin you have been putting off? Invoices you could organise to get ahead for next year's tax return or accounts you could review to get a better idea of your financial situation. Whilst this might not be the most inspiring task on the list it will definitely free you up to hit the ground running later, besides just think how pleased you will be come January when your taxes aren't a total nightmare! 

Cartoon of an elderly lady surrounded by bills asking "So why can't I claim depreciation on my joints?"

10. Overhaul your consultations forms and other procedures 

It's not often we get time to sit and truly reflect on our practices. Asking yourself these 6 questions can really help you to see your massage therapy business through your clients eyes.

Put the kettle on and read through your consultation forms. Does everything make sense, even to someone who is completely new to massage therapy? Are there any areas you could make clearer or is there additional information you could ask to really personalise their experience such as favourite scents or style of music? In light of recent developments you may need to add in additional clauses related to potential Covid-19 symptoms and look into online options for your forms so clients can let you know well ahead of time of any potential contraindications. For resources from leading professional associations, filled with online consultation forms, templates for signage and risk assessments please check out the announcements section of our Facebook group

If you still have access to your massage therapy treatment room try and imagine entering the room for the first time. Try and spot the details that you might miss in daily life such as decor or temperature. Are there any drafts or do you notice any marks or chips in your paint that you have never seen before? As long as they are not completely self isolating, ask a family member to act as a guinea pig, walk them through your treatment process as if they were a client and ask them for their honest feedback, warts and all! You never know what you might discover! 

11. Fix those aches and pains

Have you been struggling during treatments but just soldiering on? As therapists we can often neglect taking care of ourselves, overworking to try and build our massage therapy businesses. But now is the perfect time to address those aches and pains. Check out our exercises for massage therapists and find what works for you so that you can incorporate them into a healthier routine once the COVID-19 situation eases. And speaking of routines, check out why even without the procedures needed right now you should always be leaving 40 minute breaks between your clients.  


There is no doubt keeping fit and healthy is going to be challenging especially if you are in self isolation. Luckily there are lots of great workouts out there that don't require lots of equipment or even space and we have shared a list of them for you (and for sharing with your clients) below; 

From yoga to CrossFit: the 10 best online home workouts

How to take the perfect breath: why learning to breathe properly could change your life

Anyone Can Use This Bodyweight Workout To Get Fit At Home

NHS - 10-minute workouts

NHS - Exercise Database


12. DIY / Spring cleaning 

Exhausted the online courses? Filed all your paperwork and taken care of those achy shoulders? Now might be the time to tackle that spring clean you have been putting off. If you are lucky enough to live in the same space as your treatment room then take time to try and experience it through your clients eyes. Ask yourself these questions and see if there is anything you could change once things pick up to revolutionise the way your clients experience their massage. If your room could use a little sprucing it's ok to dream, use apps like the Dulux Paint Colour Visualizer to virtually repaint your space and Pinterest to gather a bit of interior design inspiration for the future. 


Images of stylish massage treatment rooms with the question does your treatment space need some interior design inspiration?Click on the image to see how your treatment room compares!


There has never been a better time to indulge in a little life hack marathon. Whilst you might not have all the supplies to hand you will be surprised with what you might be able to achieve with what you already have in the house. Whether you get creative and whip up some new inexpensive artwork for the future or get handy with a hammer and build that unit you've been lusting after, let your imagination run riot and use this time to transform your treatment room! 

Screenshot of life hack video  

Click on the image to see how you can turn this chalkboard into a pull out desk!


Join our Facebook group to receive support and advice from fellow therapists and to stay up to date with our latest resources to help you use this time wisely and make your massage therapy business stronger than ever! 

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