The Massage Therapist's Ultimate Guide to Rebooking Clients

The Massage Therapist's Ultimate Guide to Rebooking Clients

"New clients might be silver, but old is your gold".

The most successful massage businesses are built on loyal, long term clients. The more massage clients that rebook, the fewer clients you need to meet your sales goals. If your goal is to see 20 clients a week, that’s 80 massage appointments a month. Retaining clients, means you don’t start at zero each month. Not only that but your clients are more likely to recommend you to other people.

Now, consider if some of those clients came every week or bi- weekly, that’s even fewer clients needed to meet your goals.

You may still need new clients coming in each month, but much fewer as time goes by.

Sometimes regulars do forget to rebook. All they need is a gentle reminder to get them back on track.

The rebooking process is a natural extension of your session. People rebook when they feel comfortable with you, value your service and are confident that they will get their desired results. Creating a great experience each time is why they will want to rebook.


So why is it so difficult?

Is this you? You have a new client schedule an appointment with you. They arrive for their appointment, and you feel that the massage treatment went well. As the client is exiting and paying for the session you ask if they would like to reschedule. They reply, “Not at the moment; I need to look at my schedule —I’ll call you.”

Your heart sinks. If you have ever heard these words, you already know that client is most likely not coming back. I hear this a lot from therapists I chat to.

What happened?
Even when you feel you performed your best massage work, when this response occurs it leaves you frustrated and confused. It makes you wonder if you could have done something different to change the outcome and if so, what could you have done differently?

Or you actually didn’t even ask the question or you just didn't think about it. We all have that fear of rebooking clients at one time or another in many different ways. We fear that we are not good enough and that people did not like the massage enough to want to come back. We don’t want to ask at the end of the session for fear of rejection. We don’t follow up with people because it challenges our beliefs in ourselves – what if they do want to come in again! Our mind monkeys get the better of us.

Did you know that the power to successfully rescheduling a client happens before the massage. Then what goes on in the session solidifies it. The number one reason a client does not rebook with you is that something about the massage/client journey did not meet their expectations.

But here are some reasons you may encounter.

When people say they can’t afford regular massage they are often saying something different. There are those on a low income that really can’t afford weekly or even monthly massage but the majority of people saying this are usually not saying what the true problem is because it probably involves telling you that the massage was not what they expected. Clients not speaking up and saying what they mean is often part of not rebooking. They don’t want to hurt your feelings, yet they won’t speak up to clear up the issue and instead take the easy way out and just don’t come back. Each person and each situation is different.

Your session
Clients don’t come back usually when things happen in the session that they don’t like. You talked too much. The pressure wasn’t just right. The room was too cold or too hot. The sheets were exposing. There is mascara on the face cover. All the fine details of your massage business will come into play and add to the clients overall impression of you and your massage work.

One of the big problems is the client comes in and asks for work on their back and neck and you spend most of the time on their feet or other body part. If you are working on an area that you feel is connected to their issue, you need to explain what you are doing. If you are working on an issue not connected to their issue because you feel it is what you need to do or for whatever reason, you need to explain your reasons and get their permission.

Not brought their diary
Clients use the excuse that they don’t have their diary or can’t access it or have some things that might come up at the last minute. Rebooking them at the end of the session is ideal, but having an online booking system will also make it easy for them to make the appointment later when they have time to look at their schedule.

If they really are not rebooking, you probably have an unknown issue in your massage sessions or a clash in personalities. Clients who really like what you do and have connected with you, will easily rebook and they will also send all their friends and family members in too. If it is an issue with your sessions, you have to realize that not every style is for every client but be sure to check up on your style regularly and make sure you are getting a massage yourself to know what it is like from a client perspective. They also may not come back because you solved their issue! But here you need to educate them on how massage can be preventative.

schedule appointment

Things to consider

BEFORE A SESSION: When people are searching for a massage therapist and come across your website or Google or are referred by a friend, your whole appearance online can help you in the rebooking process. People who find your website should see a clear message that you can solve their problem. There should be articles and information, like a blog page, to help show that you are the expert in your area. Using your website is a great way to educate clients and letting them know you are the therapist that they want to see and would see regularly if your massage/services meets their needs.

If you are using online scheduling systems, your confirmation email/text should make them feel welcome and comfortable. It should have clear directions how to find you. Have a way for them to contact you directly. Have your cancellation policies and no show policies in the communications too. It's ideal to send your forms for them to fill in prior to their appointment so you have an idea of them before their appointment.

Having a crystal-clear understanding of why the client is coming to see you before the massage occurs I believe is essential. If you don’t you are setting yourself up to not providing a session that will meet their needs. If you correctly meet a client’s expectations, and perhaps exceed them, the client will most likely request to reschedule with you without being prompted. This is what you are striving to achieve with each client.

Things to consider

STARTING THE SESSION: When they show up for their appointment – first impressions are everything. Be on time and waiting for them if you can. Greet them professionally and personally. Offer a hand shake or watch for them to offer their hand. Handshakes still tell a lot about people. Ensure your environment is ready.

Next is asking the right questions. It isn’t just the health questions you need to ask but what motivates the person to want to get their problem solved, and take care of themselves, (their internal motivators). Are they training for an event, gardener or traveller? Do they like their jobs and career path? Are they taking care of aging parents, disabled children, or sick partners/family members? What motivates them to seek better health? The quality of the questions is a way to look for clues.

Every client, has a strong hope or desire for massage to create a certain feeling, solve a problem, or help their body in some way.

When you understand what this is and then meet that strong hope or desire during the session, the client will organically request to come back to you.

You will not know what the client’s expectations are if you do not ask what they are expecting from their session/sessions. Rebooking clients involves potentially resetting clients’ expectations to be in line with what you can realistically offer with massage therapy. If a client has an unrealistic expectation of what massage can do for them, it does not matter what you do. You will not be able to meet them.

Things to consider

THE SESSION ITSELF: Here is where you can teach people about their body and how massage works. Start with just pointing out tight areas and show them how it compares to the other side or other areas. The main goal of your session should be to educate clients about the value of massage. Educating clients is more than just spouting off information. It is about finding out what outcomes clients want and figuring out a way to deliver the results they want. You want to build trust and create value.

The main thing people are looking for is relief from pain and stress. Start with formulating a plan with your client that will help them achieve their goals for better living. Having less pain at work will help them be more productive. Having less pain at home will allow them more time to enjoy their families and free time activities. Having less pain and stress will help them to engage more fully in the things that they love to do. People are paying for the massage therapy session so they have the right to receive the best massage that you have to offer. Meeting their expectations is fundamental.

Things to consider

AFTER THE SESSION: Before the end of the session discuss and agree the treatment plan based on what you have talked about during the massage session. Take authority and give your recommendation. You are the expert here. Depending on your findings tell them you’d like to see them ..... times and why and you’d like to see them again in ...... Then ask if that sounds good to them? Then grab your diary and offer them a choice of a couple of appointments. Don't worry if that week is low or blank for you, as you're just starting out, they won't see it. Some ideas:

- Does this time work for you next week?
- What time is good for you next week?
- I have been booking up quickly lately so you might want to get on the schedule now for next week or the week after.
- What’s the best time of day for you to come in next week?

Please note, once a week is NOT too often if you have your reasons. The once a month thing is really to maintain one’s condition, not to make it better.

After you’ve finished ask them how they feel right then and there. Remind them of their problem areas and how it felt when you first started working on them. Remind them of what you discussed, their goals and what they would like to get back to or have ease in.

If this feels icky for you, practice at home in front of someone or the mirror. It will get easier!

Rejections are rare if you get your customer service and
treatment right.

rebooking clients


1. For me the most important aspect is the education of why they need to see you. You want clients who want to invest in themselves and their well-being, as well as enjoy the benefits of your treatments and how they solve their problem. Your explanation in the assessment is vital of what your findings are and how you can help. Spend an extra few minutes to explain the benefits of massage therapy. Make sure they understand massage isn’t a treat once or twice a year. It’s essential to regular self-care. Discuss the client’s personal goals, and tie your recommendations to that.

2. Being personable not salesy. You need to change your mindset. It’s not about selling but making helpful recommendations. Find out what brought the client to you in the first place. Let them explain their troubles and goals. Understand they’re looking to you for advice. Give it to them. After your first session build your relationship with them. Don’t rely on memory alone. Keep up to date notes of their treatment and goals. Also, jot down any personal details they share with you: a club they’re in, a child’s name, what they do for a living. Review those notes before their next session.

When you make a point to get to know your clients, it shows you care. It’ll also earn trust and loyalty from your clients. When they have a positive connection with you, they won’t go anywhere else.

3. Creating a treatment plan is the best way to get clients to rebook. First, let them talk. Listen to their problems and goals. Do an assessment. Use that assessment to guide what you do in the massage. Reassess afterwards, and make a plan for subsequent sessions.
Share your findings, plan, and reasoning with the client. They want to know! Then, tell them when they should come back. Pick a date, and ask if that day works for them. Schedule the next appointment right then.

4. Following up. Staying in your clients mind and ensuring your clients had a good experience is critical for the re-booking experience. Reach out to your clients 2-3 days after their massage and ask how they’re feeling. A quick note in an email or text message is a non-intrusive way of doing this. If you’re actually concerned about them, give them a call. This shows that you actually care, and gives the client an opportunity to ask questions and give feedback.

In my experience some just need prompting and thank me for the reminder. Many therapists fall short of this and it’s so important. Here is a great time to ask for a review if they had a great experience. If they are still in pain or had an adverse effect you can provide a recommendation and reassurance. As they say the fortune is in the follow up.
Some software’s actually do this for you but if you’re like me, manual strategies can be put in place.

- Immediately after the appointment, ask the client to book their next appointment.
- If they decide to book it, remind them the day before their appointment to prevent a no-show.
- If they decide not to book their next appointment, mark in your calendar to call them in 2-3 days. Let them know that you are following up to see how they are feeling and see if they would like to book a follow up appointment.
- If they still decide not to book another appointment, you can follow up with an email every few months reminding them that you are available when they are in need.

5. Having a membership program helps take the stress out of rebooking. Clients will sign up for a once a month or once a week package. You can have them pay for it by the month or by the year or whatever works best for you and your paying system.

schedule client appointments

6. Packages/bundles are my favourite. Getting clients to commit to their journey of well-being and offering a little discount on each session is very popular. This works really well as you receive a quick income injection and they receive a plan of how you can help in addition to saving in the long term and receiving priority scheduling. You do have to bare in mind when they come for their 4th, 5th, 6th session its not a free session, you have to remember you was paid. This was a mind monkey for me seeing their name and thinking oh, they’re in for a free session today. If you really wanted to you could put the money aside and pay yourself each time they come in.

7. Incentives are a great way to bring clients back but I’m not too keen on giving away a free session. You still have rent to pay. You can definitely have a loyalty card and they receive a discount on the end session or a free gift or an upgrade session. You can even create a points system, where every £ spent earns the client points, which can be redeemed for products or services. You can get very creative with a loyalty program – the point is, you create incentive for the client to book more often.

8. Old clients. When it comes to reactivating old clients, the best course of action is to prevent them from dropping out of care in the first place - by educating and following up. But when you do lose clients from time to time, consider enticing them to return with special discounts, packages, and rewards.


Rebooking massage clients is a skill that needs to be learned. Keep working on this and watch your results. Keep changing your wording and actions until you get the right script that works best for you. It isn’t about being pushy or being a sales person. It is about just being YOU and giving your best massage session. The absolute and most fundamental concept that must be believed within yourself, is that YOU are the professional and YOU know what is best for your client.

You received your qualification and have the experience to give your clients massages that will leave them feeling much better than when they came in.

But in truth, the best way to get clients to rebook is to just ask them. It’s really that simple. Clients are not always sure of the protocol to rescheduling with you, especially if massage is something new to them. This is a lost opportunity. The client might believe that because you did not suggest it, maybe you don’t want them to return.

You will never know if the client wants to reschedule if you don’t ask. We all have a way of ending the session time with the client that allows for a smooth exit for both you and your client. Practice a planned statement to say to each client about rebooking.

About the Author

Business mentor for sports massage therapists in particular start ups and year 1, Katie has been a therapist for over 32 years, experiencing many avenues of the industry and now successfully running her own home clinic in a garden cabin. Katie wants to bridge the gap from classroom to business ownership taking the overwhelm away when starting out. Katie will take you from clueless to clued up in business. Katie lives in Cornwall with her partner and teenage boys where she enjoys anything outdoors and a good sea dip all year round. Find out more about her mentoring at KE Sport Massage Mentoring.

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