The Summer Slowdown – What it is and how to manage it as a Massage Therapist

The Summer Slowdown – What it is and how to manage it as a Massage Therapist
What's not to love about summer? Longer days… warm(ish) weather… holidays…

Yes, we love summer. But you know what’s NOT to love about summer? That dip in business, often referred to as the “Summer Slowdown”.

Have you experienced it? As a business mentor for massage therapists, it’s something I hear my clients talk about every summer. For many massage therapists, summer can mean fewer clients and a noticeable slowdown in business – and it can be a shock if you're not prepared for it!

It doesn’t affect all therapists. If you work in an area that attracts tourists or holidaymakers, or your clients tend not to have young children, you might find that the summer months are busier for you. You’ll probably have other times of year which are naturally quieter. In which case swap “summer” for whenever YOUR personal business slowdown happens.

If you ARE going through the Summer Slowdown right now, and you’re starting to wonder where all your clients have gone, don’t worry, you’re not alone!

It’s important to have ways to manage this quiet period - both psychologically and practically. So let’s have a look at the “Summer Slowdown” and how you can make the most of this time.

Don’t panic!

During July/August, people spend more time out and about, going on holiday or needing to be more available for their kids. Their time is often less structured and organised and you might find they can’t fit in their usual massage appointments. (That’s why you might be getting more cancelations this time of year too.)

The first time your business stumbles into the Summer Slowdown it might affect you psychologically. Suddenly having unpredictable client numbers and less money coming in can be pretty stressful. Worse, you might start doubting your skills as a therapist.

So ,—first of all, if it's happening to you, don't panic! Recognise that it’s just a seasonal slump and accept it as part of the massage business cycle. This doesn’t reflect your skills or worth as a therapist.

Secondly, understand it WILL get better again, this isn't the end of everything! You’ve just got to get to September and things will start to get back to normal.

So now you know what’s going on (and that it’s not your fault!) how can you make the best use of this quiet time?

Embrace it!

Have a rest! Yes really!

You might not feel like resting when you’re worried about business being slow, but as a massage therapist, you know as well as anyone that recovery and rest are important! We tell this to our clients, so now it’s time to walk your talk!

Use this time to focus on your well-being and create your own self-care routine.

Sleep in a bit more if you can and allow yourself some relaxing activities without stressing about work. Go on walks, or just lounge around with a good book.
Allow yourself time to recharge now, so that you’ll be full of energy when business picks up again.

Declutter, Organise and Clean

Okay, maybe not the most exciting activity on the list but trust me on this one: cleaning and decluttering can be incredibly therapeutic and productive.

Start with your treatment room: organise supplies, wipe down your oil bottles, and finally get round to doing those deep cleaning tasks you’ve been putting off all year!

You can do the same with your admin area. Use this time to organise your workspace, update your client records, clear out your email inbox, streamline your booking system – whatever needs tidying up.

By getting things clean and organized now, you'll be setting yourself up for an easier time when September gets going.

Give more to Existing Clients

If you have fewer clients right now, give your existing ones some extra attention and love!

Reach out to check-in with how they're doing after a session, offer exclusive summer packages or something extra with their next treatment. Small gestures like this can make a big impact – showing clients you appreciate them will keep them coming back after summer ends.

Keep in Contact

Stay in touch with your clients through newsletters and social media. Even if they’re not booking in right now, they’re around and would appreciate hearing from you (and you’ll stay top of mind for when they ARE ready to book in again.)

You don’t need to always post or email about your treatments. You could simply share tips on how to stay relaxed and healthy during the summer, and remind them of the benefits of regular massages while you’re at it!

Tackle Projects you’ve been putting off

You know which ones I mean! We all have projects that have been waiting on the sidelines that we never get round to. Well now’s your chance! Maybe it’s updating your website, refreshing your branding or learning new massage techniques,(here’s one for you!) You’ll feel so much better for finally getting those things off your to-do list!

Brainstorm your Business

With fewer clients demanding your attention right now, you've got some bandwidth available for some deep thinking about your business.

Take some time to think big picture: How can you make your business and marketing EVEN better. What new treatments could you offer? How can you improve your client experience? Have you really nailed your Niche? Do you have a good marketing strategy in place?

Take a minute to reflect how happy your business is making you at the moment. Is it giving you the lifestyle you want? Be honest here.

Think about the type of clients you attract and whether you really enjoy working with them. If not, what could you do to attract more of your Ideal Client?

Ask yourself if the days and times you have available for clients actually works for YOU. Would you rather NOT work weekends, for example?

Take a close look at the treatments you offer; your clients enjoy them, but are they fulfilling for YOU? or is it time to kick some from the menu? (When I do this exercise with my mentoring clients, they often decide to remove their 30 minute treatments – they decide it’s too much time and effort for not enough money. I agree!)

Jot down all your thoughts and see which ones resonate most with your vision for your perfect business.

Plan ahead

And finally – be aware that this slowdown is likely to happen every summer. So next year, be prepared!

Create a budget that accounts for seasonal fluctuations. Set aside money during busier months to cover expenses during slower periods. When you plan ahead like this, you give yourself a safety net for the quiet times and it can really reduce the stress – meaning you’ll enjoy your summer break a lot more!

Yes, August might feel like a bit of a slog, but it’s actually a great opportunity to recharge, refocus, and revamp your business strategy. The mid-summer lull can be a pain, but instead of viewing it as a setback, see it a chance to grow and make your practice even better!

Here’s to enjoying the summer!

About the Author

Business mentor for massage therapists, Nikki Wolf has over 20 years in the industry; including teaching, owning a massage school, and managing spas. Nikki is on a mission to demystify marketing for therapists and empower them to build their own thriving businesses. When she isn't massaging or mentoring, she’ll be walking on the beach with her dog, Storm. Find out more about mentoring at Orchid Massage Academy.

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