Massage: The Perfect Christmas Gift

December 02, 2016 2 min read


Oil bottles on a wooden table nestled in fir cones
Well, Christmas is just about upon us. 
It’s a manic time, isn’t it?
You’re run off your feet trying to organise where everyone will celebrate, who’s bringing what, which present goes to which family member… and top of that, you’ve still got a business to run.
It’s not just you that’s busy, either. Even your loyal customers are busy, and wondering if they’re going to be able to make their regular appointments.
So how do you make sure your business doesn’t take a dive at this crucial time of the year?
One thing we’ve found that many therapists have great success with is to sell gift vouchers. They are an ideal gift for your customers to give - it’s a total ‘no brainer’. It’s a generous gesture that the receiver will get a lot of enjoyment from.
Not only will your clients feel relieved that they’ve found an easy gift for people who might be otherwise hard to buy from, but you get to ensure that your earnings stay buoyant. 
To make the most of offering gift vouchers, it’s a good option to email your client list (individually, or BCC’ing everyone, of course!), letting them know that you’ll be offering gift vouchers that they can pick up at their next appointment - to ensure they don’t skip their regular session! - and make sure you include the price and how long they’ll be valid. 
You can offer different types of vouchers, too. One might be for a basic treatment, another might be a deluxe treatment, and another might be for a couples treatment or a specialty treatment. That way you can price differently across each kind of voucher and see which one gets the most uptake.
How do you boost your business around the Christmas season? Share your tips and tricks with us over on the Massage Warehouse Facebook page!
 P.S. Don't forget that we're running the 12 Days of Christmas sales! Head over to the blog post or the Facebook page to see what today's offer is.

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