Hate Marketing? A Guide To Help Massage Therapists Love Marketing!

Hate Marketing? A Guide To Help Massage Therapists Love Marketing!

Do you ENJOY marketing your massage business?

If that’s a “No!”, you’re not alone. A lot of therapists would laugh at the idea of finding marketing enjoyable.

Most find it at best a chore, and at worst something unethical and nasty.

Many therapists think of marketing as something done by sleazy car salesmen or “bro marketers” driving around in shiny Lamborghinis! They imagine it’s about taking advantage of people just to get money out of them.

Why would you enjoy doing that? Of course you wouldn’t!

Therapists want to help people and make them feel better. They don’t want to SELL to them and manipulate them into spending money.

I imagine you’re the same. Massage is your passion. But marketing? Maybe not so much!

Yes, you’re a therapist who wishes nothing but love and gorgeousness to humankind, but (here’s the important thing) - you’re ALSO a therapist who wants to have clients lining up to work with you. If you want to have a sustainable, functioning business. clients are the lifeblood! So, you need a steady flow of them at all times.

How do you create this steady flow? By doing Marketing of course!

But this is where so many therapists get it wrong. They do what I call “reluctant marketing”. Reluctant marketing is timid and wishy-washy. They’re trying so hard not to be pushy or salesy that they stick to things that seem innocuous and harmless; posting inspirational posts on Instagram or Facebook. Printing off leaflets to hand out at the local gym. It’s “marketing” but it doesn’t harm anyone. Right?

Here’s the thing; reluctant marketing DOES harm someone. And that someone is you! Reluctant marketing takes up your valuable time but doesn’t get you any results.

Remember that day you trudged up and down your neighbourhood pushing 100 leaflets through the doors? Did it bring you more than a couple of new clients? Probably not.

So what can you do instead? How can you do marketing that works - in a way that feels ethical?

You need to change the way you SEE marketing.

Marketing in itself is neither good nor bad. It just comes down to the intention with which you do it.

Here’s my definition of marketing:

“Marketing is: Finding out what your clients need and then creating treatments and services to attract them. Marketing is about building relationships with clients to be able to help them, serve them, and make money in return.”

Now what’s sleazy, manipulative, or nasty about that?

Imagine someone stressed or in pain. Your massage could make them feel so much better, yet right now, they don’t know you exist. They would welcome your help if they came across it. Of course, you’d want to make sure they know that help is available!

When you market to the right people in the right way, marketing can be genuine, sincere, and beneficial.

It becomes a means of providing value and assisting others, all the while creating a steady flow of your ideal clients into your business.

When you do marketing well, it means you design a marketing strategy based on your personal strengths, likes, and dislikes. It never has to be something you avoid, but can become a regular and easy habit.


Here’s 8 ways you can learn to love marketing:

1. Get Behind the Purpose

As I said above, marketing is all about creating and delivering value to your audience. We want to identify their needs, solve their problems, and provide solutions to enhance their lives. When you start to see marketing as a means of helping others rather than simply selling your services, you can develop a genuine love for it. Reframe your perspective away from thinking it’s about aggressive tactics and relentless pursuit of profit – and instead embrace the values and purpose of helping as many people as possible by making them aware you exist.


2. Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Marketing offers the perfect opportunity to embrace your creative side, (which doesn’t necessarily get the chance to be expressed in your massage!) You can use marketing as an excuse to write stories, create mini-trainings, design cool imagery, and, yes, even come up with inspirational quotes, (as long as they’re your own and aimed specifically at your ideal client!). By tapping into your creativity, you can start to enjoy creating meaningful marketing campaigns that resonate with your people.

3. Build Relationships

Successful marketing is ALL about building relationships. Shift your mindset from selling, to creating connections. Start to see how you can establish trust, and loyalty, and make long-term partnerships. Marketing then becomes about fostering genuine connections with people, rather than about you trying to push your treatments onto them.

4. Educate and Inform

You have knowledge that your clients probably don’t. One of the most powerful aspects of marketing is being able to educate and inform your audience. It’s not all about writing ads. Marketing can also be about providing valuable and relevant content to your audience, in the form of articles. blogs and social posts. Give workshops, presentations, or training days. Position yourself as an authority in your field. When you see marketing as an opportunity to share knowledge, insights, and expertise, it becomes a tool for empowerment rather than a pushy sales pitch.

5. Be Yourself

Nowadays, people appreciate authenticity over and above anything else. In an era of skepticism and information overload, genuine and transparent marketing stands out. Speak about your values, beliefs, and point of view in your marketing. Being transparent builds trust and credibility with your audience. Again, it’s all about making emotional connections and finding common ground. Don’t be afraid of having a viewpoint. Even if some disagree with you, you’ll also find those who not only agree but respect you even more for sharing and taking a stand for something.

6. Keep Learning

I know you value learning when it comes to deepening your knowledge of massage. Well, guess what? Marketing is also a perfect field for continued learning. Marketing strategies and tools change and evolve. Embrace the opportunity to learn and grow with your marketing AS WELL as your massage. Stay updated on the latest trends. The more you learn, the more confident and comfortable you will feel with your marketing, and with your business as a whole.

7. Be the Scientist

Marketing is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires experimentation, testing, and evaluation. Approach your marketing with a scientific mindset, and view every piece of marketing as a learning opportunity. Don’t be scared of failure or rejection. If something goes wrong or doesn’t work, don’t beat yourself up and declare your business a failure! Instead, take some time to analyse what went wrong and make adjustments. Then refine your approach and see if you can achieve better outcomes next time.

8. Celebrate Successes

Take time to celebrate your marketing successes, no matter how small they may seem. Recognize the positive impact you've had on your audience, and how you’ve helped inform or inspire people. Think about the connections you’ve made or even treatments you’ve sold! By acknowledging your wins, you can start to enjoy having a positive relationship with your marketing.

So, yes. You CAN learn to love marketing and let go of the fear of being pushy or sales-oriented. It just requires a shift in mindset.

If you can embrace the real purpose of marketing; focusing on the relationships you build, being authentic, genuine, and kind; and continuously learning and improving, marketing can become something you actually enjoy!

Let your marketing be a creative, empowering, and fulfilling part of your business. Let it be something that allows you to connect and give value to your audience, something that helps you to make an impact, and something that actually leaves the world a slightly better place!


About the Author

Business mentor for massage therapists, Nikki Wolf has over 20 years in the industry; including teaching, owning a massage school, and managing spas. Nikki is on a mission to demystify marketing for therapists and empower them to build their own thriving businesses. When she isn't massaging or mentoring, she’ll be walking on the beach with her dog, Storm. Find out more about mentoring at Orchid Massage Academy.

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