Massage Therapy Techniques

Assessing Idiopathic Pelvic Pain with Meghan Mari from The Jing Institute

Meghan Mari, co-founder and director of the Jing Institute presents a lively and interactive classroom, covering differential diagnosis of common pelvic pathologies such as SIJ Joint Dysfunction, Trochanteric Pain Syndrome and Pubic Symphosis Disorder.

She shares secrets to treating the pelvis safely in a soft tissue and massage treatment plan. Open to massage therapists, physios, osteopaths and midwives - increase your knowledge and confidence and understand techniques to help you treat chronic pain!

Work Smarter Not Harder: Deep tissue and forearm massage with Meghan Mari & Rachel Fairweather from The Jing Institute

The workshop is led by Rachel Fairweather and Meghan Mari, Directors and founders of the Jing Institute of Advanced Massage.

Being able to give your clients a deeper more specific massage, which engages the soft tissue and yields a profound outcome is undoubtedly good for business. However, knowing how to do it without injuring yourself is invaluable. This dynamic workshop teaches you exciting deep tissue techniques that you can incorporate into your routine without the need for any extra strain to yourself. Learn the value of “less is more”!

Clients Crave This! Add Stretches and Mobilisations to your Massage with Hands Free Massage Training

Join Leora and Darien, pioneers of Hands Free Massage Training, as they share the power of incorporating stretches and mobilisations into your practice.

👉 How to integrate these techniques for deeper, pain-free releases.
👉 Body-safe techniques for effortless application.
👉 Proven strategies to enhance client satisfaction and retention.  

Try This Massage Technique your Clients Will LOVE! With Susan Findlay

Transverse Soft Tissue Release (STR) is a technique based on the 'less is more principle' which provides greater control, sensitivity and client enjoyment. In this introductory demonstration to Transverse STR with Susan Findlay, you will learn how Transverse STR is:

👉 Seamlessly integrated into massage
👉 An intelligent way to stretch for all body types
👉 Reduces pain, improves tissue health
👉 Easy on the therapist & beneficial for the client

 Meet The Experts

Rachel Fairweather and Meghan Mari are the directors and founders of the Jing Institute of Advanced Massage.Both Rachel and Meghan have extensive experience in teaching, community development and business and between them have more than 30 years experience in the Massage industry working as advanced therapists and trainers.

Darien Pritchard has been a professional bodyworker, massage trainer and author since 1977. He was the first UK massage trainer to name the Hands Free Massage approach, when he began developing it over 25 years ago. Leora Sharp, a passionate practitioner and teacher, joined Darien's team at Hands Free Massage Training in 2009 and has since become a leading expert in the field!

Susan Findlay
Susan Findlay, oncology massage specialist and director of NLSSM. "When your body is the tool that you work with, you learn to take notice of it and it was this interest in the human body that led me to retrain as a nurse."
"Fast-forward to 1992 and I stepped off the plane onto English soil and my future life. After briefly working for the NHS, I made the choice to be my own boss. Still in the health and fitness field, I worked with GPs and health centres, setting up different schemes for a range of clientele."